Lambs in the Shepherd’s Care

Originally published on The Electric Gospel on August 29, 2014.

Emily Eckley originally wrote this message for young children as the intended audience, but the message is appropriate for all of us, at any age.  We never cease to be little lambs in the care of our good shepherd.


I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb

by Emily Eckley

Isaiah 40:11  “He tends his flock like a shepherd;  he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.”

Did you know that sheep are not very smart animals?  A sheep cannot find its own food or water.  It cannot protect itself to stay safe either.  That is why sheep and their lambs need a shepherd to take care of them.  The shepherd shows his love for his sheep by leading them to new fields with fresh grass to eat and clean water to drink.  He also protects the sheep from danger, like wild animals who may want to hurt the sheep, and keeps them from wandering away or getting lost.  The sheep trust their shepherd because he does such a good job taking care of them.

We are Jesus’ little lambs.  He is our shepherd and we need him.  You and I cannot do much for ourselves, but Jesus gathers us in his arms and carries us close to his heart.  Jesus takes care of our earthly needs by blessing us with food and water and other necessities.  More importantly though Jesus takes care of our spiritual needs.  We, like all people, were born sinful and still sin every day.   There’s nothing we could do to earn God’s love.  But thank God! Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.  Our shepherd Jesus lovingly brought forgiveness to his lambs.  That includes you and me and the rest of the world.

Having Jesus as our shepherd makes our hearts thankful and glad.  Sometimes sickness or trouble causes stress in our lives.  That’s when we need to lean on Jesus our shepherd the most.  God’s promises in Jesus enable us to overcome sadness and fear, putting a smile back on our faces because we know and trust that nothing on this earth, not even death, can take our shepherd’s gift of heaven away from us.  Nothing can make us happier.  Praise the Lord that we are Jesus’ little lambs!

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, we thank you for being our loving shepherd and carrying us in your arms close to your heart.  Please help us and all of your lambs to live free from fear with a smile on our faces knowing that no matter what troubles we face on this earth, you will take us to be with you in heaven one day.  Amen.

I am Jesus’ little lamb,
Ever glad at heart I am;
For my Shepherd gently guides me,
Knows my need, and well provides me,
Loves me every day the same,
Even calls me by my name.

Day by day, at home, away,
Jesus is my Staff and Stay.
When I hunger, Jesus feeds me,
Into pleasant pastures leads me;
When I thirst, he bids me go
Where the quiet waters flow.

Who so happy as I am,
Even now the Shepherd’s lamb?
And when my short life is ended,
By his angel host attended,
He shall fold me to his breast,
There within his arms to rest.

(The Lutheran Hymnal 648)