Originally published on The Electric Gospel on October 27, 2014.
A Letter from Home, from your Heavenly Father
by Morgan Jacob
My dear child,
I am always with you. I know the deepest depths of your heart. I know your thoughts, your words, and your deeds. I see all of the wonderful works that you do to bring glory to me. I’ve noticed how you help your neighbor, how you proclaim my Word to others, and how you diligently study the Scriptures on your own. I do see all of the good that you do, and it pleases me.
However, I do also see the bad. Those daily sins that you struggle with? Yeah, I know all about them. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to stop sinning. The laziness, the lack of love for others, the drunkenness, the judgmental thoughts. You know the sins that I’m talking about. I also see the sins you commit that you yourself aren’t even aware of. What I see, all of these shortcomings, do not please me.
However, do you not know that there is something else that I see even more than your sins? I see my son, Jesus. His perfect life and death on the cross covers all of your sins. He lived the perfect life that you are not able to, and he died the death that you deserve. He conquered sin, death, and the devil. Because you are my own dear child, whom I adopted through baptism and my Word, I look to Jesus when you sin. Because I love you as a Father loves his dear children, you can have the confidence that I have truly forgiven you because of what Christ has done. I do not hold your sins against you nor do I write a list of them and compare you to your neighbor. I keep no record of wrongs.
My forgiveness towards you, however, does not give you a free pass to sin. Do not think that because you are forgiven, you can act however you please. But rather, act in a way that will please me, your heavenly Father.
Repent, and turn from your evil ways. Avoid all sins that will lead you away from me. Do not let yourself be tempted to the point where your heart turns cold towards me and you no longer see the seriousness of your sin. Resist your sinful nature that constantly tells you, “Oh, what I’m doing isn’t really that bad” or “I certainly don’t sin as much as that person.” Satan will tempt you into thinking that your sins are not condemning, but you know from my Word and what you have learned that the one who lives a life of impenitence will not enter my kingdom.
Repent, my child, because I forgive you. Attend my supper where you are given my Son’s body and blood for the forgiveness of your sins and reassurance of my love for you. Surround yourself with those who walk in my way and follow my decrees. When you wrong someone, ask him for forgiveness, and be truly repentant. Do not just say the words “I’m sorry,” because words mean nothing without actions. As my servant John wrote to you, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18). So therefore, my dear child, turn to me and I will help you put your words into actions and truly change your heart.
And finally, forgive others, just as I have forgiven you. This is not an easy task and it never will be. Your brothers and sisters will sin against you, and you will sin against them. A friend may betray you, a parent may neglect you, your partner may lie to you. Do not hold these sins against them. They are my precious children too. Forgive them, really forgive them. True forgiveness is more than saying the words “I forgive you” or “It’s okay, it’s not a big deal.” Forgiveness means that you will not hold your brother or sister’s sin against him or her any longer. You won’t bring it up in the future. You won’t guard feelings of hostility in your heart, and you won’t use their sin against them to cause hurt. When you forgive someone, you will set that person free.
Do not think that you can forgive on your own because you are such a good or strong person. You have the ability to forgive because I have given that to you, and I have forgiven you. Look to me when you face difficult challenges in your life. Whether you wrong someone or somebody wrongs you, look to see what my Word says, and you will be comforted. When you sin, repent, and when somebody sins against you, forgive them.
My dear child, it may not seem like I am always with you. You can’t see me, but remember that you can hear me. My Word is always in front of you to read, my angels are always surrounding you and protecting you, and I am always watching over you. Take to heart and listen to these words from my Son, Jesus, who said to his disciples—and says to you— “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:21-23).
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you have forgiven all of our sins. Keep us close to you and motivate us to always stay in your Word. Give us the strength to ask for forgiveness and also to forgive others, as you have forgiven us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.