Originally published on The Electric Gospel on April 5, 2014.
We struggle to forgive those who have wronged us. Our strength and love to be forgiving will flow from the one who continually loves and forgives us–our Lord Jesus Christ. Brooke King prepared this devotion in the form of a letter to a friend.
by Brooke King
Dear Jane,
It’s was so nice to see you last Sunday at church, I know it’s been awhile, especially with everything that has happened these past few weeks. Catching up with you was so nice and I’m glad to see you smiling again. Perhaps we can meet sometime for coffee down at Lola’s; I hear it’s becoming quite popular with the students on campus. I found that meeting and talking with people often seems the best way to lighten the heart and take a few steps forward. You know you can count on me to be walking along your side. Even if you’re busy, remember that Jesus is always walking with you and you can talk to him about anything.
I know you mentioned you were struggling with forgiveness. Sometimes it seems that it’s more of God’s place to forgive than ours, especially when we’ve really been hurt. God’s love is unconditional after all and we can become so scarred by the sins committed against us that it is hard to show love to others. However, Jesus told his disciples that they have authority to forgive sins too, not just him. For many people this can be comforting to hear. Jesus said, “If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:23). I know you’ve been hurt Jane, but withholding forgiveness may eventually become more of a burden to you than to your mother. Although her actions were hurtful to you, God desires that you have peace with yourself and with others. The Lord through Paul says “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18). Even when sins are committed against us unknowingly, we can seek to forgive those who’ve done wrong.
Jesus came to this world to live a perfect life for us, to suffer at our hands, and die for our sins. Imagine how big of a grudge he could have held against us! He had every reason in the world not to forgive us for making him suffer. Despite every denial that shattered his trust, he chose to forgive us. Despite every insult that broke his heart, he chose to forgive us. Despite every lash that scarred his skin, he chose to forgive us. Despite every nail that was put in his flesh, he still chose to forgive us. Even as he was hanging on the cross, he looked at us, the unrepentant sinners we were and said, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). The love that Jesus has for us is boundless. He desires our peace with the Father even before we begin to repent. Be comforted Jane that despite your sins or your unwilling heart to forgive, you have been forgiven and given peace through your Savior.
Jane, I know your mother has not acknowledged the pain she has caused you. I know how much you love her despite her sins. I pray that you can be at peace with your mother, not because she deserves your forgiveness, but because of the loving forgiveness you have in Christ which moves you to show forgiveness and live at peace with all people. As you seek out Jesus and consider the peace he has given you for your eternal future, may your own willingness to forgive continue to grow. May you share this gift with your mother and all people so that you may live in peace with the love of Christ abundant in your hearts.
With Christ’s love,