I’ve previously posted some messages written by my father here on The Electric Gospel. This week is the 25th anniversary of his death (April 9, 1999). In memory of my father and his years of ministry, I’d like to share a sermon of his about Christ as the good shepherd and the doorway to eternal life. Good Shepherd Sunday is coming up on April 21st (the 4th Sunday of Easter). Perhaps some present-day ministers will find his Good Shepherd sermon (below) a useful resource in preparing their own messages for that day.
Also, as I’m allowed periodic free book offers for my Kindle e-books, I thought this a good time to set up an offer for The Lord Cares for Me: Stories and Thoughts about Psalm 23. From April 10 through April 14, you can obtain that e-book for free on Amazon.com. Ministers might find one or another of the story-messages in that book useful for Good Shepherd Sunday. [Two other books, Sermons on Selected Psalms and Faith Lives in Our Actions, are available at reduced cost also for several days starting April 10.]
In memory of Donald C. Sellnow (1928-1999), here is a sermon he delivered on Good Shepherd Sunday:
The LORD our Shepherd, through whom we have life
- Originally preached April 16, 1961
The picture of Christ as the good shepherd is often used in the Bible. The psalmist David sang, “The LORD is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1). The prophet Isaiah said, “He will feed his flock like a shepherd” (Isaiah 40:11). The Savior referred to himself this way, declaring, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11). This picture of Jesus as the good shepherd is dear and precious to the heart of every Christian.
In the same context, we also hear Jesus speak of himself as the door or the gate for the sheep (John 10:7). Let us give our attention to the inspired record of Scripture in which the Savior gives us these two meaningful pictures of himself.
Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). In this one short statement, Jesus sums up the entire gospel message. He is the shepherd who laid down his life for sheep who loved to wander. The way the world of sinners would be redeemed was by the suffering and death of the Son of God in the sinners’ stead. The good shepherd died so that the sheep might live. In his boundless, amazing love, Jesus our good shepherd willingly gave his life for us on the cross. Through his sacrifice, we have pardon, peace, and everlasting life. As Isaiah so strikingly put it: “All we like sheep have gone astray. Everyone has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).
May we ever rejoice in this great good news and hold fast to it all our days. May we never grow tired of hearing this simple gospel message nor underestimate its importance for our lives. This precious gospel—that the good shepherd gave his life for us and through him we have eternal salvation with all its abundant blessings—this is what gives lasting meaning to our lives. This is what gives us solid comfort and hope in the face of death. Yes, because Christ in love laid down his life for us, we now confidently can declare: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall lack nothing” (Psalm 23:1). And each of us, no matter how old, can still say in childlike faith: “I am Jesus little lamb, ever glad at heart I am” (The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941, #648).
Not only did the good shepherd lay down his life for the sheep. He also took it up again when he rose triumphant from the grave, thereby sealing and confirming his work of redemption. The resurrection of Christ is the supreme proof that his sacrifice on Calvary was indeed a perfect payment for sin, and we truly have been redeemed. Christ gave up his life and then took it up again to make us certain that we are saved and heaven is ours.
We also are assured by knowing that our shepherd knows his sheep. We read, “The sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice” (John 10:3-4). In shepherding life, each morning the shepherd came to the sheepfold or corral where the sheep were kept for the night, to gather his sheep and lead them to pasture. Now that wasn’t quite as easy as it sounds. Frequently, there were several flocks inside the sheepfold. How did each shepherd get his own sheep? Well, it may sound amazing to us, but the shepherd knew his own sheep. Even though his flock numbered several dozen, or perhaps as many as a hundred, the shepherd could identify each sheep.
Jesus wants us to remember that he knows who we are as members of his flock. Nothing is hidden from him who knows the innermost thoughts and secrets of human hearts. Jesus knows just how important he is to us. He knows our sins and shortcomings—but he also knows our hearts of faith. He knows our failures and our unworthiness—but he also knows our needs and wants. He knows that above all we need assurance of his grace and forgiveness, and he gives it to us in his Word. He tells us: “Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). He knows also all our sorrows and griefs, and he comforts us with the knowledge that he is with us and will make all things work together for our good (cf. Romans 8:28). Thus the good shepherd watches over his flock, leading us into the green pastures and beside the still waters of his Word of comfort and help.
Even as the good shepherd knows his sheep, so also is he known by them. As the scripture tells us, the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. “They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him; for they don’t know the voice of strangers” (John 10:5). It is absolutely essential for sheep to trust their shepherd. This was especially true in Palestine in Jesus’ time. Good pastures became scarce at times, especially after the long dry summer. Frequently, the shepherd led his flock miles away from home, searching for a good pasture. The shepherd didn’t drive his sheep. He led them. If the path led through a dark and frightening valley, the shepherd would simply walk ahead, calling his sheep to follow. And follow him they would, for they knew his voice and trusted him.
So also, every sheep of Christ knows their shepherd and follows his voice. Christians know Jesus as their good shepherd by faith. They believe and trust in him as their Savior and guide. They listen to his voice as he speaks to them in his Word. Through his Word, Christ tells us all we need to know for our faith and life. We rely on that Word. We follow wherever the good shepherd leads as he speaks to us.
Perhaps you have been criticized for following Christ without ifs or buts. Perhaps you have been asked to prove something that you believe, instead of simply taking it on faith. But could you? Can we prove all beliefs? No, nor do we attempt to. We walk by faith, not by sight. We take our Lord at his word and subject our reason to that word. We accept what his Scripture is telling us. That’s the attitude of a person who has learned to trust the voice of his good shepherd. In turn, our experience has been that following the Word of Christ brings peace and blessing to our lives that we can’t find by worldly proofs.
Thus, Jesus gives us not only a picture of himself as the good shepherd but also of ourselves as his sheep. Do you recognize yourself in the picture? Do you know him as your personal Savior who suffered and died for you, and cling to him as your only hope in life and in death? Do you let his Word guide you in what you will do in the situations of your life? … Or do you sometimes let outside pressures, personal convenience, or pursuit of pleasure guide you? Do you make good and faithful use of his Word in church and at home? Do you come frequently to his table to be refreshed and strengthened by the sacrament that he has given for us?
May we all, in true repentance and sincere faith, ever look to Jesus as the shepherd and bishop of our souls, hearing his voice and following him with grateful hearts throughout our lives.
In addition to calling himself the good shepherd, Jesus also calls himself the door. It is upon this meaningful title that we focus further in our meditation today. Jesus said, “Most certainly, I tell you, I am the sheep’s door. … I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved” (John 10:7,9). In the sheepfolds In the Holy Land, a door or gate was set, by which the sheep were let in and out. There was only one such door in the wall of the sheepfold. Only by passing through this door could sheep get in. Now, Jesus says of himself, “I am the door.” Just as there was only one gate through which the sheep could enter the safety of the sheepfold, so also, Christ is the door through which we, as sinful human beings, enter eternal life in heaven. Jesus came and gave his life on the cross so that we might have unending life and all the abundant blessings of salvation. It is through him as the door to life that these blessings are found.
Over the course of history, people have proposed many different ways to heaven and to happiness, but we put our faith in the one who has told us he is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Jesus Christ is the door who gives us access to our Father in heaven. It is through faith in him that we are shepherded into eternal life above. The Bible emphasizes this point over and over again. Jesus is the Savior of all humankind. Those who trust in him, with God-given faith, will enter the mansions of heaven, living in eternal grace with God. As the apostle Peter declared, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that is given among men, by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The saving name is the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Thus, dear friends, we have been reminded that Jesus is the good shepherd who gave his life for the sheep. As such, he is also the door to eternal life. May we cling to him in humble faith all our days, hearing his voice as he speaks to us in his Word. May we follow him with obedient and thankful hearts, as he leads us through this valley of shadows (and often tears) to our eternal home of joy above. Amen.
Scripture quotations are from the The World English Bible (public domain).