
Waiting on God

Originally published on The Electric Gospel on October 13, 2016.

Waiting on God

by Cassey Davis

Imagine this. The sky is jet black, the wolves are howling, and the air is crisp. As you climb high into your deer stand, you shiver from the bone chilling breeze. Finally, you are all situated and ready for dawn to break. Once the sun rises and thaws your frozen fingers and toes, you gaze at the glowing forest around you and sit in awe of the beauty and wonder God has created. Yet, when the morning sun begins to fade and the dew begins to melt away, waiting becomes incredibly hard. Your mind begins to wander to the sounds around you; every crack of a stick makes your heart race until a squirrel jumps around the corner. Indeed, waiting for the prize trophy deer to saunter in front of your stand is no easy task.

While waiting for a deer to come by your stand proves to be a test of your patience, waiting on God’s timing can prove to be even more difficult. All too often we rely upon ourselves, instead of God, to answer our prayers of desperation … such as yearning for a loved one to be healed of a terminal illness or for a beloved soldier to return from a deployment. Yet, when we struggle to rely upon God to come to our aid, are we forgetting who created us in his own image? Who loved us so much he sent his one and only Son to die for the entire world? So therefore, why do we struggle so much with waiting for God’s timing instead of our own? The answer is sin–the dirty, rotten, filthy sin we daily fight through but is washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Daily we struggle with waiting on earthly things, such as waiting in traffic or waiting for an important phone call.  But everything we wait for here on this earth with someday soon be forgotten in the blissfulness of heaven.

The Holy Spirit, who burns a fire within us, leads our hearts to rely upon God’s timing instead of our own, reminding us: “If we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently” (Romans 8:25). Being patient can seem an impossible task; yet if we place our confidence in Christ, he will surely give us the desires of our heart, according to his timing. So, when you are waiting–maybe not so patiently–remember God’s timing is perfect.  He will answer as he sees fit so answer you, and he will do so when the timing is just right.


Dear Heavenly Father, we often become fidgety and impatient when it seems like we’ve been waiting awhile. Remind us that your timing is perfect and that you will provide for us when the timing is right. Guide us, Lord, as we struggle with being patient in our daily lives. Turn our hearts and minds back to your Word, where you teach us that when we hope for something, you give is to us when and if you see fit. Grant us patience, oh Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted by Electric Gospel

Burdened no more

Originally published on the Electric Gospel on August 2, 2016. Kristen wrote this devotion in connection with a workshop on Devotional Writing that I led that summer. 

Burdened no more

by Kristen Koepsell

Recently I read about a woman who hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1950. Modern long-distance hikers disagree whether more or less gear is best. Imagine hiking with someone there only to carry your stuff. You don’t have to carry anything. No rubbing straps, sore shoulders, pressured spine, tired body from the extra weight, regret of every unnecessary thing packed. …

That is us. We carry nothing. We walk free and tall, with light step and heart, because our Savior daily bears our burdens.

What’s weighing you down today? If you hefted a backpack that held one rock for every concern on your heart, what would those rocks be? May I share mine? I’m responsible for 171 kids and 87 volunteers next week at Vacation Bible School, and the task list is outpacing the hours left. My online class requires three revised devotions and one brand-new by Saturday. My brother and sister-in-law just changed states without job plans. My best friend cries because her marriage is cracking. My mother is diabetic. Bible camp might be cancelled due to lack of interest. Two Sunday school teachers just quit.  The refrigerator is nearly empty.  My Bible reading is nonexistent.  One of my turn signals is out.  And I’m still single.

Two things answer this weight.

  • One, Jesus shouldered our sin for us, the root of human burdens. When I cry, “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear,” (Psalm 38:4), the Holy Spirit answers, “He himself bore [your] sins in his body on the cross.” (1 Peter 2:24). Every day as we collect more burdens of sin, Jesus says, “No, I’ll take that. That one’s mine, and that one….”
  • Two, he does not carry only our sin, leaving us to carry the “smaller” issues. He doesn’t say, “I’ll take care of Mom but you have to handle VBS.” The God who sees a sparrow fall and counts our very hairs also shoulders every one of our day-to-day concerns. “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens” (Psalm 68:19).

I pray that each day you can praise God your Savior, living with light heart and mind. He is carrying the weight. You are burdened no more.

Then use his strength to assist others, to carry each other’s burdens when you can (cf. Galatians 6:2), but ultimately to extend the invitation:  “Come to [him], you who are…burdened, and he will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Posted by Electric Gospel

Why I go to church

Originally published on the Electric Gospel on July 23, 2015. Someone the author knew, who didn’t attend church, asked Rebecca Hinderman why she went to church. Rebecca wrote this wonderful letter in response to the question. 

Why I go to church

by Rebecca Hinderman


When you asked me, “Why do you go to church?” so many thoughts were racing through my head.  I apologize for the short, incomplete answer I gave you.  I am writing this letter to share fully what it means to be a Christian and why I go to church.

Starting with the word “church.” It’s not just a building or a group; it’s a family of fellow believers in Jesus Christ. We gather to worship and praise our Savior for what he has done for us – not because we have to but because we want to. We learn about Jesus, our need for salvation, sin, the power of the devil, forgiveness, love, the grace of God, and so much more.  All this we find in the Bible, our instruction manual for life.  Christians believe the Bible is God’s word.  Even though there are many authors throughout the Bible, it is the true word of God;  God-breathed, so to speak.

God’s word shows us how we are all sinful from birth.  “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). We are all sinful not just by our actions, but also by our thoughts and words.

Our sinful nature was inherited from Adam and Eve who committed the first sin. Because of sin and our human inability to earn forgiveness, we are all condemned to death and hell.  I know this is a strong, powerful statement.  This truth should rattle us to the core.  But there is a way to be right and sinless before God.  God, through his love and grace, sent his Son Jesus to suffer and die the death we all deserve.  Jesus was our substitute and saved us from our sins. “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).  We now appear to God as perfect and sinless as Jesus was.

The gift of salvation through Jesus is the gift of God’s great love for us.  This great love–this grace– goes beyond our human understanding. The love and forgiveness God has given me is why I go to church.  I want to thank him and praise his name for the gift of salvation given through Jesus.  Knowing the truth of his love has moved me to share that truth with you and others.  Attending church services gives me strength and support, a time to rest my soul and focus on what is truly important.

Without this renewed strength and focus, I can become easy prey for the devil.  The Bible says, “Be self-controlled and alert for your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We are all weak and vulnerable to the devil’s deceitful ways and can get sucked into situations and relationships that are harmful to our souls. Slowly, so subtly, we can be moved away from Christ and the saving gift of grace.  It can be a battle both external and internal.  What weapons do we have to ward off this attack? The answer again is God’s word – the Bible.  God’s Holy Spirit will work in our hearts and minds to strengthen us and create faith as we read the Bible.  Even a little each day, a short chapter, gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to work its work in us.  Knowing this gives me such peace and comfort as well as the boldness to talk about the truths of God’s word.

The first disciples, by the power of the Holy Spirit, began preaching and teaching the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.  What unshakable faith they had! They endured much suffering and persecution as well as being put to death for their beliefs.  Rejection of the salvation message was as commonplace then as it is today.

Still, I will speak up and risk your rejection of me and God’s word. Why would I still do this? You are too important.  You are God’s creation.  He desires you as his dear child. I pray through me you will feel his love for you, understand his word and believe in Jesus as your Savior from sin.

All I have said are God’s truths. I am not forcing any expectations on you nor am I putting myself above you. We have all messed up, sinned, knowingly or unknowingly. One person is no better than the next.

I invite you to join me anytime to attend church services and learn more for yourself. We also have a Bible study time. During this time we look at certain sections of Bible or specific topics and read what God says about such things. It’s a time to ask questions and learn in a non-judgmental small setting.

I will continue to pray for you and value your friendship. Thank you for your question and I hope my answers have aroused some curiosity and move you to come and learn about Jesus!

Posted by Electric Gospel

A letter from home for you

Originally published on The Electric Gospel on October 27, 2014.

A Letter from Home, from your Heavenly Father

by Morgan Jacob

My dear child,

I am always with you. I know the deepest depths of your heart. I know your thoughts, your words, and your deeds. I see all of the wonderful works that you do to bring glory to me. I’ve noticed how you help your neighbor, how you proclaim my Word to others, and how you diligently study the Scriptures on your own. I do see all of the good that you do, and it pleases me.

However, I do also see the bad. Those daily sins that you struggle with?  Yeah, I know all about them. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to stop sinning. The laziness, the lack of love for others, the drunkenness, the judgmental thoughts. You know the sins that I’m talking about. I also see the sins you commit that you yourself aren’t even aware of. What I see, all of these shortcomings, do not please me.

However, do you not know that there is something else that I see even more than your sins? I see my son, Jesus. His perfect life and death on the cross covers all of your sins. He lived the perfect life that you are not able to, and he died the death that you deserve. He conquered sin, death, and the devil. Because you are my own dear child, whom I adopted through baptism and my Word, I look to Jesus when you sin. Because I love you as a Father loves his dear children, you can have the confidence that I have truly forgiven you because of what Christ has done. I do not hold your sins against you nor do I write a list of them and compare you to your neighbor. I keep no record of wrongs.

My forgiveness towards you, however, does not give you a free pass to sin. Do not think that because you are forgiven, you can act however you please. But rather, act in a way that will please me, your heavenly Father.

Repent, and turn from your evil ways. Avoid all sins that will lead you away from me. Do not let yourself be tempted to the point where your heart turns cold towards me and you no longer see the seriousness of your sin. Resist your sinful nature that constantly tells you, “Oh, what I’m doing isn’t really that bad” or “I certainly don’t sin as much as that person.” Satan will tempt you into thinking that your sins are not condemning, but you know from my Word and what you have learned that the one who lives a life of impenitence will not enter my kingdom.

Repent, my child, because I forgive you. Attend my supper where you are given my Son’s body and blood for the forgiveness of your sins and reassurance of my love for you. Surround yourself with those who walk in my way and follow my decrees. When you wrong someone, ask him for forgiveness, and be truly repentant. Do not just say the words “I’m sorry,” because words mean nothing without actions.  As my servant John wrote to you, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18).  So therefore, my dear child, turn to me and I will help you put your words into actions and truly change your heart.

And finally, forgive others, just as I have forgiven you. This is not an easy task and it never will be. Your brothers and sisters will sin against you, and you will sin against them. A friend may betray you, a parent may neglect you, your partner may lie to you. Do not hold these sins against them. They are my precious children too. Forgive them, really forgive them. True forgiveness is more than saying the words “I forgive you” or “It’s okay, it’s not a big deal.” Forgiveness means that you will not hold your brother or sister’s sin against him or her any longer. You won’t bring it up in the future. You won’t guard feelings of hostility in your heart, and you won’t use their sin against them to cause hurt. When you forgive someone, you will set that person free.

Do not think that you can forgive on your own because you are such a good or strong person. You have the ability to forgive because I have given that to you, and I have forgiven you. Look to me when you face difficult challenges in your life. Whether you wrong someone or somebody wrongs you, look to see what my Word says, and you will be comforted. When you sin, repent, and when somebody sins against you, forgive them.

My dear child, it may not seem like I am always with you. You can’t see me, but remember that you can hear me. My Word is always in front of you to read, my angels are always surrounding you and protecting you, and I am always watching over you. Take to heart and listen to these words from my Son, Jesus, who said to his disciples—and says to you— “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:21-23).

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you have forgiven all of our sins. Keep us close to you and motivate us to always stay in your Word. Give us the strength to ask for forgiveness and also to forgive others, as you have forgiven us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Posted by Electric Gospel